Bottega Ado Cured Pork Fat "Lardo" Stagionato di Conca 300g Approx
Bottega Ado Cured Pork Fat "Lardo" Stagionato di Conca 300g Approx
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Back lard seasoned and cured in marble basins. The fresh pieces of pork's fat are placed in marble basins that were rubbed with garlic and herbs. Between each layer of lardo comes a mixture of coarse sea salt, black pepper, garlic, rosemary and sage. Once the basin is filled, it is closed with a marble slab. The lardo rest there for six months.
Add some of this lardo to your dish and watch it transform into a true culinary masterpiece, this flavor bomb has been used for years in Italian cuisine to season dishes or elevate bruschettas to a higher level.
Place some slices on a roast and let them gently melt around it, and you will never want anything else. Lardo is also praised for its exceptional nutritional properties and was formerly given to miners after a long day of work to regain strength.